So let me start off by thanking Andrea from Good Girl Gone Redneck for agreeing to guest post for me this week! If you haven't been to her blog for a visit...shame on you! It is chock full of funny things, awesome pictures and yummo lazy (which I just love) recipes! She is smart, witty, funny and I'm so glad I found her! So without further ado...
... On Motherhood!
So, here I am! Guest posting for Musings of a Mommie today!
It's always an interesting experience when I guest post (not that I've done it that often, but when I do, well, it's interesting!) for other bloggers.
I kind of feel the need to share a bit of myself, and at the same time, respect her readers enough that I don't scare them away. So, to that purpose I'll avoid flinging any curse words around, banging my head against the wall, or pulling my hair out. [Can you tell yet that I am the mother of a three-year-old?]
Anyway, my name is Andrea, and I'm regularly found over at Good Girl Gone Redneck. I am a SAHM to a wonderful three-year-old daughter, who often makes me happier than I've ever been, and crazier than I've ever felt. It's a rollercoaster, motherhood. The ups and downs are crazy, aren't they? I mean, who knows what to expect on a daily basis? I know I rarely do.
My daughter is amazing, and adorable, and knows exactly how to push my buttons. She's 3 going on 13. Seriously. Know what I mean? No? Let me show you ...
She's hilarious ... see here!
She teaches me daily ... how to be patient, kind, calm and not-so-calm. She reminds me what being a mom means.
She reminds me to take deep breaths to avoid my own meltdowns, and I have learned to put myself in a time-out when needed.
Tonight I met two teeny tiny babies. I held one in my arms, and I watched him start to fall asleep, finding the cushions of my body as a place for him to rest. I watched the other one sleep in her mother's arm as her mom single-handedly ate her dinner, spent time tweeting on her phone and enjoyed her night out. I watched another friend checking her phone as her teenage daughter would be calling her soon to check on her, make sure she was on her way home. I watched another mom call her husband to let him know she'd be late ... and I watched us all enjoy a night out, sans kids (for the most part) and find our way to laughter and fun, without constantly referring to the little ones in our worlds. But for each second we did just that, we all knew, without a doubt, that we are mothers.
Motherhood is an amazing experience. One you tend to carry with you, wherever you go and whatever you do. Even as we convinced a fellow mom that it was critical for her to find some alone time away from her husband and daughter, even as we spoke about leaving our kids for the first time and crying when we called them to say goodnight, we carried the spirit of motherhood with us. In our minds, our hearts, and in our bodies. The changes of our bodies after becoming mothers is a whole other post altogether, but we soften and strengthen, and find ourselves capable of more than we could imagine. All for the sake of that little individual who captures our hearts without saying a word.
So come on by and see me sometime as I share the ups and downs of my experiences in motherhood. Hope to see you soon!
{ Wordless Wednesday }
2 days ago