Sunday, February 22, 2009


It's funny how becoming a mother can really change your life. These changes you gladly accept too. Even though at times you just want to cry or collapse (mostly from sheer exhaustion). You do these things and would do them over and over because that little person is unequivocally the most important thing in your life and you'd do *anything* for him/her. Now, I know I said mother. Don't worry guys, I'm not leaving you out. I'm not a father, so I can't speak from personal experience, therefore I am writing about what I personally have gone through so far. I've been a mommy for just over 7 weeks and in that short time, I've realized some stuff.

  • There is no such thing at *sleeping through the night*. Sure, your little one may conk out for 5-6 hour stretches, but you find yourself starved for sleep and haggard, staring bleary-eyed and at him making sure he is still breathing.
  • Only eat food that tastes good cold. Inadvertently your little angel will need you right when you sit down to eat something, and will continue to need you until the food has lost all it's heat. *This goes for coffee too*
  • Rocking, bouncing, lifting, cradling and carrying a baby around with you everywhere you go makes working out at the gym a piece of cake. Let's face it, at the gym you have a 30 minute workout. With a child, you'll be hauling him/her around all day long, for at least a year or two!
  • Your photographic memory is a thing of the past. Finding that you can't remember the simplest things is disconcerting. Get used to it, it seems to get worse before it gets better. With your mind being on your baby nearly 100% of the time, there is no room to think about anything else let alone remember it.
  • Sleeping (when it actually happens) with your body contorted into something that resembles a pretzel becomes second nature since you find yourself sharing the bed with both hubby and now your little darling. To avoid him/her from being rolled on, falling off the bed or a host of other things, you figure out ways to twist yourself to accommodate the new bed arrangement. Your husband on the other hand still retains his normal sleeping position. -.-
  • You never have enough pacifiers.
  • Long hot showers are a luxury you can no longer afford. It's more like jumping in an out without fulling rinsing the shampoo out of your hair because you thought you heard the baby cry.
  • You quickly learn to change diapers at warp speed. Accidents happen. Especially with boys who like to aim and fire only seconds before the new diaper is on.
  • Take lots of pictures and savor every single second you have with your little angel because before you know it 7 weeks will have gone by....then 7 years, 17 years and you'll wonder where you baby went.
I still find myself wondering where the time went. It's hard to believe 7 weeks went by so quickly. I'm sure I'll be adding to this list of realizations as time passes and I'm sure I've left quite a few things out. You know, since I can't remember anything as mentioned above. ;) One thing I can say for sure about being a mother. Until now, I never thought it was possible to love something so much.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Lots of News - So Little Time To Tell It All

Let me start by apologizing for the long delay in the latest post. However, the last month of pregnancy certainly takes it's toll on you, not to mention actually having the baby, indulging in more sleepless nights and bathing in the blissfulness that is your little creation.

Now that I've done that, I want to give thanks to God. He gave me the most precious gift one could ever hope to have. I have a perfect, beautiful, magnificent, darling, sweet, amazing, (insert a line of other positive descriptives here) baby. Something I've waited my whole life for. I've always wanted to be a mommy. And, after years of being a surrogate mother to my dogs and puppies, I finally got one of my own. I am truly Blessed. Each and every day I am discovering new things and falling more and more in love.

Big C was born on December 31, 2008 at 8:08am, via C-section. He weighed 9 pounds 6.9 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long with gorgeous eyes, wispy blonde hair and his Daddy's dimples. My due date was Dec. 26th, so he was nearly a week overdue and apparently didn't have plans on showing his face to the world anytime soon as I never went into labor. After my last visit with the OB on the 29th of December, he decided it would be better to schedule a c-section and avoid any possible complications. I already had borderline high blood pressure, so it was safer for both baby and me. There were only 2 days that week that he was able to do the section since he wanted the other doctor in the practice to be present for the c-section as well, and it just so happened they were able to schedule me for that Wednesday at 7:30am. I have to admit that I got the best late Christmas present, and early birthday present ever!!!

You know...a c-section was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was up walking around the next day. It hurt like Hell, but only the first 2 days. They sent me home with pain meds, which, I only took for 2 days. The worst part I'd have to say was climbing in and out of the backseat of the car. (Naturally, I had to ride in the back with Big C on the ride home) I was glad to be home with my son. My son. When I first said it, it seemed so foreign to me. Now, it just rolls off the tongue. The first 2 weeks were difficult. No, not because of sleep deprivation, and not because of a colicky baby. Unfortunately, I was not, and still am not, making enough breast milk to sustain him. And it caused problems. From weight loss, to a build-up of bilirubin and the need for photo therapy, to not voiding enough. So, although I'm not breastfeeding full-time, he still gets whatever breast milk he manages or that I can pump and takes formula as well. Some breast milk is better than none.

He is doing very well, gaining weight, he's nearly 11 pounds now! He just turned 4 weeks old. I keep wondering where the time went. My little boy is growing up, already 22 and 5/8 inches too. His daddy is crazy about him and he is a wonderful father, which I knew he would be. He is an amazing husband, so naturally that would carry over into fatherhood. My brother is crazy about him and I literally have to pry him away from my father. This is his first and only grandchild, so needless to say, he's pretty smitten with him. Big C will be spoiled, no doubt. But, not to a fault. He will always be expected to be respectful of others. But for now, he's little and snugly and I'm more than happy to indulge him in his snuggle moments and holding him most of the time. We've had lots of visitors and everyone has been just wonderful and they happen to think he is the bees knees too!

In other news, the puppies are doing well too. Two of them have found homes with repeat puppy owners. This is the second for one family, and the third for the other couple. It makes me feel really good knowing that people have been so happy with my puppies that they never want to get another from anyone else. In fact, there is a third person, also a repeat owner interested in one of the other pups. Kofi, the cleft puppy is also doing wonderful. Again, I'm thankful to God for pulling him through. He is only the second cleft puppy that I've pulled through this far. He will be evaluated by the surgeon for his future surgery. The preliminary exam was very favorable for him and the vet was impressed with his current condition.

In other news, my cousin gave birth to her 4th baby on January 30th. She had a girl, Little E, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and 20 1/2 inches. She had a head full of dark hair too! A has always given birth to blondes like this is new for her. She looks like her Dad. There are lots of things that she and I have planned with our little ones. Pictures together, trips to the zoo, etc. Since they are 4 weeks apart, and she lives only a few miles away, our babies will have play dates together and even get to go to school together. She and I are looking forward to it. She always wanted us to be pregnant together, and although she wasn't planning the 4th baby, she's happier than ever that Em has come along. We've enjoyed being pregnant together and sharing our experiences. I couldn't have asked for a better *preggo partner*.

Well, I need to close for now. It's time to feed Big C and spend some snuggles with him.


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