Returned from another OB appointment some time ago. Baby is doing well. The sonogram results were back and everything looked great. Heart rate was between 140-150. Oh yeah, by the way. The sonogram I had done on Saturday, the baby didn't want to give up the goods. So we don't know if it is a boy or a girl! SURPRISE! K had to take the day off work today...without pay...yipee. Since my blood pressure doesn't always want to cooperate, occasionally I might be sent to L&D to have it monitored for an hour. With the flu pandemic rolling, the hospital is taking extra precautions, and they should, to protect those who are in them from outsiders bringing the flu in. So they won't allow me to take Big C back with me while I am monitored. I don't have a babysitter. My cousin A is the closest thing I'll get to having someone watch him for me, and she works on Mondays. My dad would have watched him, but he had work and my brother...well...he gets the willies if left alone with him for more than an hour. He is better set with older kids...little ones scare him when it comes to being alone and So it left us with K staying home to be with him as our only option. But it was nice. Because K is gone 14 hours a day for work (including his hellacious commute) he never has the opportunity to go to any OB appointments with me. Today was the first time he was able to hear his new baby's heartbeat. Luckily, my BP was high, but not enough to send me to L&D for monitoring.
I spoke to my OB about this time trying for a VBAC and he said that was just fine. I really do want the experience. No, I'd totally skip the labor pain if I could. But I'd like to experience having that bloody, wiggly screaming darling gift from God slapped up onto my chest as I grab him/her and say my first hello. I'd like to be able to have the family I care about be there with me as I bring him/her into the world. And let's face it. I know other women ask me if I am insane because I want to experience labor (I never went into labor with Big C, then scheduled the section because I was 5 days overdue, he was high in my belly with no intention of dropping and the sonograms said he was 13 pounds! He was 9lbs. 7oz....just in case you were wondering). Well, I'd like to pose the same question to them. Do you really think having a c-section is *easier*? Having your abdomen sliced open, your guts and muscles shifted around, baby pulled out and then guts and muscles shuffled again and stapled back up? Honestly ladies....a c-section isn't *that* bad...but a vaginal delivery sure as hell beats a c-section! I mean come on now!
I have decided that if the baby shows large or hasn't dropped by the time my due date rolls around. I'm just going to opt for a c-section. There is no reason for me to be stubborn and put myself or the baby at any more risk than need be. Sure, I won't have my prime choices for a c-section date (do people really obsess over that? I mean, if the baby came via vagina you really wouldn't have that much of a choice on birthdays would you? Seems weird to me.) but that is OK. Healthy baby is more important than if the baby is born on an even or odd numbered day. So I'm going to take my time, let my baby grow and develop and see what things look like in January-February. Perhaps I'll be ready to make a concrete decision on a section then.
We've set up our Christmas tree. The first one since the Christmas before my mother passed. Mom really loved Christmas. It was one of her most favorite holidays. When she died, it just....was never the same. It became painful, sad and a bitter reminder of the loss we all have come to know. I told myself and everyone else that if the Lord had blessed me with a child, then things would change. We would have a real Christmas again. Mom would have wanted it that way. K also put up decorations outside and trimmed the house in lights. He took me by the hand last night, after he had finished and walked me around to the front. And all I could really do was stand there and cry. It looks beautiful. My mom would have loved it. It was really hard this time last year. I was expecting Big C on December 26th. And I really wanted her to be here, to see him, to know him and to love him. I wanted him to know her, love her and see her the way I and everyone who knew her did. But it's more difficult this year. Because this year, Big C *is* here, the tree *is* up, and the house *is* decorated. And in every strand of lights, branch of tree, ornament, bow, nativity scene and note of Christmas carols she *is* there. I really miss her. A lot.
Thanksgiving was wonderful. I have so many wonderful things to be thankful for...and I am. I am truly blessed and God is wonderful! My life isn't perfect and trust me, I have hardships...but when I gaze into the face of my darling boy and I feel the karate moves of my darling yet to be born, and I watch the faces of my father, brother and husband as they talk, play and snuggle with Big C all I can think is how wonderful, giving and amazing God is and how fortunate I am.
I'm going to go for now. My back is beginning to hurt a little. My OB said everything you experience in your first pregnancy, you usually feel it sooner in the next one. Well, I'm feelin' it! Wowza. My ribs are the worst. Holy Hannah do they scream by the end of the day. But it's all so worth it. I just realized that I have been pregnant for the last two 4th of Julys, Labor Days, Halloweens, Thanksgivings and Christmas'! Well, no wonder I'm feeling it. I'll have been pregnant for 18 months out of 24 when baby #2 gets here! *Grins* I'm so bleeping happy to be me!!!!